Matthew Emsak – A Molecular Biologist Based in California

Currently, the biotechnology industry is expanding at a phenomenal pace and majority of the students today decide to pursue a scientific career path. They desire to use the innovative and pioneering technologies to research and come out with breakthrough in their field. That is such an exhilarating prospect.

Molecular Biologist Matthew Emsak was fascinated by science from a very young age. He has decided to progress in this field and used his impeccable problem-solving skills in order to improve diagnostic technologies. These skills made his career very challenging, rewarding and fascinating. He carries out laboratory work along with analyzing and interpreting data.

At present, Matthew Emsak is working in an established laboratory, based in California. He has an expert and highly-skilled team of molecular biologists and engineers. At the laboratory, he and his team work on the development of DNA-based diagnostics tests for the detection of pathogens and genetic mutations. Even, they are responsible for calculating a patient’s risk of developing certain illnesses.

Moreover, his molecular diagnostic tests provide highly specific test results for the patients; these results were calculated based on their genetic makeup, opening doors for personalized medicine. The work he conducts with his team improves the accuracy as well as speed of patient diagnosis, making it faster. As a result, his extensive informative diagnosis helps in saving many lives.

According to Matthew Emsak, “No two days of his job are same”. Every day, he works with his multidisciplinary team on a wide range of different projects. This has helped him to step out of his comfort zone and take on new challenges that eventually made him think out-of-the-box. 


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